How to make your baby accept a pacifier
Welcoming a new member into your family is an extraordinary experience filled with love and joy. As you navigate the early stages of parenthood, you may be considering introducing a pacifier to bring added comfort to your little one.
Step 1: Gentle placement on the lower lip
Begin by placing the pacifier gently on your baby's lower lip.
Step 2: Patience is key
Wait until your baby naturally opens their mouth, a sign that they are ready for the next step. This ensures a more receptive response from your little one. Never force the pacifier into the mouth.
Step 3: Slow and steady insertion
Once your baby's mouth is open, carefully push the pacifier in at a slight angle toward the palate. The goal is to stimulate the natural sucking reflex, making it a comfortable and familiar experience for your baby.
Step 4: Maintain the pacifier position
Hold the pacifier in place until your baby begins to suck on it. This may take a moment, so be prepared to exercise patience. Once your baby is actively sucking, you can confidently let go of the pacifier.